How I Cured My Conjunctivitis
How I Cured My Conjunctivitis
I’m 38. I’ve spent the vast majority of my life wearing glasses. I had problems with eyesight for my whole life, but truly negative changes happened when I started going to college. I did not want to use glasses (a young girl does not want to have anything to do with big glasses) and switched to contact lenses.
After college, I started working as an accountant spending endless hours in front of old monitors and reading in darkness. Constant switching from glasses to lenses also did not help my situation. Glasses caused swelling and pain near my eyes while lenses made me cry. That was the moment when I was diagnosed with conjunctivitis. Surgery seemed to be the only way.
To Cut or not to Cut
Laser surgery is something terrifying to me. I was so scared and did not know what to do. I just couldn’t bring myself to the decision to finally get the surgery. My friends tried to tell me that there was a way to avoid such radical measures, but I did not want to hear any of that. I’m not someone who believes in fairytales. Would you believe if someone told you that you could recover your eyesight within 2-4 weeks? I didn’t either.
I spent two long months preparing for a surgery that scared the living hell out of me. I did the paperwork and carried all those documents back and forth. I tried to postpone the decision by comparing advertisements from different eye clinics…
There Is a Way…
When you are an accountant, you see a lot of people in glasses. Literally, all my friends had some problems with the eyes. What I noticed suddenly is that two of my friends stopped wearing glasses. At first, I thought that they simply switched to lenses. However, the answer to the riddle was much simpler.
My friends were looking for a solution just like I did. However, they did not completely dismiss everything. They browsed the internet and stumbled upon a new remedy called “MaxiVisor” that had a lot of positive buzz surrounding it. The product is not known in the west since it was developed in Russia and has been used mostly in the CIS region. Nevertheless, my friends decided to try it out.
The results were stunning! They received their remedies quickly and started using MaxiVisor right away. They both started feeling changes within the first two weeks! They shared their stories with me and I decided that I don’t have much to lose. A surgery looked terrifying and what could go wrong if I just tried out this remedy?
What Happened
What I noticed immediately is that MaxiVisor contained only herbal ingredients. Extracts, vitamins, and natural additives. I started using it immediately. The first change was that I stopped squinting all the time. Well, that was a good start. A couple of weeks later, I noticed that my eyes were not tired and red after a long day at work.
Within a month, I stopped using glasses and decided to check up on my eyesight. My doctor was amazed by the positive change in my condition. It took only 4 months. Now, I can see clearly without any problems. No dark spots, blurriness, redness…
The takeaway is that I did not need surgeries. I think that doctors just try to squeeze as much money from you as possible. Surgeries, glasses, and lenses cost a whole ton of money and corporations do not want to miss out. I tried a fully organic product and it worked perfectly. Without a doubt, this product is something that you should be aware of if you have a problem with eyesight!
Note that there are official distributors of the remedy and people who sell fakes. Be careful, read testimonials, and do not give up until you tried everything! Surgery is not the only way!