How the drops El-Macho have changed my life
How the drops El-Macho have changed my life
I'm a beautiful, slim, twenty-four-year-old girl. But I had problems with my partners for some reason, I felt some kind of incredible shame when I had deal with sex with my next lover.
I was desperate to learn how to get real pleasure from sex. But once there was a corporate event about the next anniversary of our company. It seemed that there was nothing special: snacks, dances, a couple of glasses of wine ... But at the end of the event our new employee Daniel offered me a ride. I agreed, we chatted nicely and stopped at a cafe for coffee ...
And then ... Suddenly I realized that I just wanted this Daniel here and now! I felt that I was not ashamed to give him a blowjob right in the car. I was ready to drag him at home and have sex with him all night! He put his hand on my knee, and then everything was like in German cinema with the mark XXX. We came to me, we ripped off each other's clothes and did everything! I felt that all my crushed desires escaped out.
When I woke up the next morning, I looked at Daniel sniffing beside me and convinced that there was nothing special in him, but I realized that I wanted him again! And I wasn't ashamed at all of what had happened yesterday! I didn't understand how and why everything had happened, but I liked all these changes in my head. But then Daniel and I had sex again, then there were joint walks, restaurants, then sex again: in the car, in the club’s closet, on the balcony of friends during the party ...
The secret of El-Macho drops
And once I decided to tell Daniel that he was actually my first, with whom I had real sex for the first time in my life. And after that Daniel told me the whole truth. At the corporate party Daniel dripped into my cup a few drops of a libido enhancer called El-Macho, which he took himself. He said that these drops contained special active substances which caused sexual desire, helped to relax, and increased the pleasant sensations during sex several times. As it turned out, Daniel had set eyes on me for a long time before the corporative, but I did not notice him at all, so he decided to try on me the effect of the drops. it is written that El-Macho drops are for men. But his friend told him that he drank El-Macho with wife, and it acted flawlessly.
Of course, I was indignant at first. He deceived me and slipped under some male chemistry. But Daniel showed me a bunch of articles and scientific studies on the action of each of the components of these drops. All the components of El-Macho are natural and not harmful, and they are also beneficial to both male and female health! He admitted that he had already ordered these drops for the second time because its effect impressed him very much. El-Macho makes the erection harder and stronger, and the process lasts much longer, and the orgasm is much brighter and longer.
But the fact that the tool is still originally intended for men has continued to torment me. Then I decided to place an order on the website and ask all questions to the consultant. They called me back pretty soon, and then I found out everything I wanted to know from a specialist! The active ingredients of these drops are really useful for both male and female libido. They don't contain male or female hormones, they make the body to produce them. And why is the packaging intended for men? It is so because men are more liberated and are not afraid to order such funds. Although, as the consultant told me, the girls had already heart about these drops and weren't shy about ordering them for themselves. Besides, everything is anonymous!
All this story happened about half a year ago. Now we live together with Daniel and we plan to get married. We still drink drops from time to time in order not to lose the thrill of sensations.
Why have I decided to share this story? First of all, I am still bursting with happiness, that my life has changed so drastically. And secondly, I think that there are thousands of deeply unhappy girls and guys, who have the same problem as I have already had once. And few people know the fact that there is a simple way to deliver incredible pleasure to a partner.